For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13 

“I knit you together in your mother’s womb.” I have always loved the phraseology of this verse; the idea of being knit together, woven together intricately. I have tried my hand at knitting only enough to realize how complicated it actually is. How knowledgeable a good knitter must be to turn that unruly ball of yarn into something of substance and value; a beautiful wrap, a functional hat, or cozy mittens. Beyond the myriad of stitches,  there is also needle size, yarn type, and the amount of tension held on the yarn that all play a part in the finished piece, any inconsistency will affect the desired outcome. How intimately connected the knitter and yarn becomes in the process.

How exquisite that we start our lives just as intertwined with God, being pieced together, slowly taking the shape of the person magnificently stitched together by His hand, that God has envisioned for us to be since the world began. To fill a hole in this world that is us shaped- no one else can fill it. 

My one friend has a child, the rest of us talk about the children we will have eventually- our someday children. Little babies that will turn into children, then kids, teenagers, then full fledge adults. People. Individuals that came from within our own bodies but are wholly and beautifully their own. We don’t know if they will be doctors or teachers, lawyers or mechanics, politicians or retail workers. They will be their own people. Living their own lives. Created by God, stitched together to do His work; if they submit their lives to Him. Filling a spot in the world that no one else can.           

As the world began God already had figured out the part we would play in it- where he would drop us into history. He knew every detail about us; hair color, eye color, and quirks in our personalities. He loved us from the very beginning. Even more than my friend loves her new baby. Even more than we can comprehend. We are loved, meticulously designed, and put here for a purpose, on purpose. We need only submit and turn our lives over to Him to fill the niche in this life that He created us for, so very carefully, stitch by stitch, until we were at last complete.

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