We all reach that point when we get, well . . . bored with our homes. The major holidays that we decorate for are behind us, and our home is furnished: we have rugs, lamps, and essential things, but then our home just starts to feel static, a little dull and boring. This is when I always want some retail therapy!

A while ago I learned a kind of quirky trick that works when I’m in a shopping mood, but don’t need to go shopping because I don’t need anything. I go grocery shopping. It’s weird, I know, but I get the endomorphic boost of buying things—in this case groceries which are necessary—and since I have a low tolerance for how long I can shop this usually does the trick for a while. What does this have to do with anything? I think the same general concept can be applied when it comes to being bored with our home. 

Step One: Declutter

When I start to get bored with my home something else happen simultaneously—my home gets a little messy. I’m pretty OCD so it’s not like my house ever gets terribly messy, but it will lose some of its polish. This is somewhat of the “which came first, the chicken or the egg” conundrum because I’m not entirely sure if my house gets messy because I get bored, or if I get bored then it is easy for me to let it get a little sloppy.  Regardless, the same cure will work—purge! 

If you are feeling bored, before you go out and purchase more things, start with decluttering your space. It does not have to be a huge overhaul but look around for any “hot spots;” places where mail and magazines are gathering, drawers that are overcrowded, and even what is going on underneath the sink! Doing a little purge will give you the same endomorphic release that shopping does and if you still do decide to go out to buy some new things, you’ll have a little more room for them! 

Step Two:  Shop Your Home

While you are decluttering keep your eye open for anything you may have forgotten about. Are there dishes that you love that are behind a closed cabinet door? Pull them out! Can you use them as a tray? Can you tilt a tray that you love up on its side and use it on your mantle? Is there a cup or bowl that you could stick a little succulent in and place on your coffee table books? Try looking at things with fresh eyes and see what you may be forgetting about that you already own and love.

Step Three:  Play Musical Chairs

Try moving one item in each room to a different room and see what happens. So often we purchase something for a room; over time we add other elements to that room and slowly we start to not love that lamp that was in the living room as much as we first did. Meanwhile, we desperately need a lamp for the guest room! This is another area where we become blind to the options before us as we are so used to how things are that we forget we can move them. 

Step Four: Rearrange Your Furniture 

My mom is adamantly opposed to buying furniture for her house that will only allow one option for furniture arrangement. She wants to have options! She wants to be able to move the table, chairs and couch and swap things all around. (Her house is open concept so that does make this easier.) Moving furniture around will help to inspire you and get your creativity flowing!

Lastly:  Count Your Blessings

Because of technology, we have so many opportunities to see inside other’s homes and it sparks a desire within us to want them too.  Marketing messages are aimed at making us less content with what we already own. We see the influencer on Instagram and all the cute home items in Target and we start to feel like our home is sub-par. But look around!  Look at what makes your home feel like you. You bought these things (hopefully) because you love them, so embrace your home and the items within it! Maybe you need to do a little shopping refresher—that’s ok! Just don’t lose your home’s soul to the latest trend if it’s not you. Make your home a reflection of you—of the things that you enjoy in life.  And most importantly, don’t be afraid to live in your home! 

essentially emma marie

Are You Staying On Top Of It?

Having a house is such a blessing- but it can also be a struggle! If staying on top of things is something you struggle with, enter your email and I will send you my in-depth cleaning breakdown- based on which personality category you fall into!

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