Unless you have unlimited time and wealth you probably want to add at least a few elements of classic style to your home—why? I’m so glad you asked…

Why Add Classic Elements to Your Home? 

Why would you want to add classic decor elements to your home? To make your home timeless. You may not identify as someone who has or desires classic style; maybe your style is more Boho or Eclectic —that’s fine! Many Eclectic or Bohemian-style homes have several overarching classic elements to them. By adding a few classic elements to your home, you will save yourself the headache of feeling the need to switch everything out every few years. Some classic elements are big things that will save you money in the long run and some are small things you can add today to help tweak your home’s decor. 

Light Walls

Deep, saturated, wall colors are in right now but they will come and go. Painting your walls white (the most classic option) or a light gray, cream, or beige are always safe options—just keep it light, and not too yellow if you go the beige route. Light walls also give you a blank canvas to work off of as far as the rest of your decor goes. 

White Kitchen 

Yes, I know, you think I’m biased because I have a white kitchen, but listen—if you look through magazines from years ago or from today you are going to come across a white kitchen. White kitchens may not be hot, hot, hot at the moment but how do you think the pendulum is going to swing after all these dark, moody kitchens have had their time in the limelight? A white kitchen is a classic. Another option is a wooden kitchen, but use extreme caution when choosing your cabinets. I personally would go with a medium tone, plain front, or very simple door if you are choosing a wooden cabinet option. Trending wood tones change every few years, but a classic wooden finish has some staying power. But I still think white is the safest option. 😉

Your Sofa

Velvet, pattern, stripes—these are fun options! But if you choose a big ticket item like a sofa, choose one in a gray or cream color for maximum staying power. Add color or a fun pattern in throw pillows, blankets, or even an accent chair if you so desire. These are way cheaper to switch out in several years than a couch.


You’ve heard me say it before and I will say it again—adding vintage and antique pieces to your home will add classic elements to your home and make it timeless. There is a lot of vintage furniture out there to be had for a song! Go, have fun searching for it! And that console table your great aunt was trying to pawn off on you last week, call her back and tell her you’ll take it. And never underestimate what a coat of paint can do! After all, if someone walks into your home and can’t tell what year it is based on your decor—that is a very good thing! 

Piano Room


Once again look through magazines from times gone by—what do you see in each room? I’ll bet that you see some green! Plants are a great way to add life, and a classic touch to any room. Check out my post, Plants that Even I Have Kept Alive, for some hardy options if you were not born with a green thumb. 


Are you a collector of art? Do you have lots of paintings and vintage art that you don’t know where to display? Adding art to your home is another great way to add classic style to your home. A gallery wall is a great way to do this, although it can be hard to nail (see what I did there?), to get it just right. If you aren’t quite brave enough to try a gallery wall, try leaning and layering art on your mantel, the top of a china cabinet, a piano, or on a floating shelf. 


Candles and Candlesticks 

Candles and candlesticks are another classic element, one that you can add quite easily and cheaply to your décor. Add some candle sticks to a vignette, tucked away in your china cabinet, or in the centerpiece of your table. Don’t forget to light a candle, the scent of which you enjoy while you are doing some cooking. Take advantage of mundane tasks to turn them into something special. 

Curtains and Window Coverings

If you live in a place where you don’t have close neighbors, don’t feel the need to cover your windows with curtains! Curtains are not actually made to be drawn—maybe a few of the custom-made, heavily lined curtains were, but not the cute ones you bought off of Wayfair or from Home Goods. The purpose of these curtains is merely to add depth and warmth to your home. To actually block out the light, you want shades. There are a variety of options for shades today and you can find some really sleek options that look like part of the wood frame of your window so that when your shades aren’t drawn, you don’t even know that they are there.

As far as curtains go, if you want a genuinely timeless option go with white, or a very, very light neutral. Personally, expensive curtains are not something I would spend a lot on because they are such a fun, easy element to switch up! 

I hope if you are struggling to add a touch of classic style to your home, or are debating about how to redo a part of your home, that this helps give you some food for thought and some fresh ideas to start playing and enjoying your home! 

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