Essentially EmmaMarie

Transitional decor

Transitional decor

Are you a Clean Slater or a Transitioner? Let me explain; a Clean Slater is someone who keeps all their decor the same throughout the entire season. They put all their fall stuff up, they take it all down and put all their Christmas stuff up. A Transitioner is someone who around now starts itching to pull out their fall stuff but it might seem a little early to them; they don’t want to pull everything out so they pull out a few things, little my little. I know for me here in Western Pa, I can really struggle to pull out the fall decor before it gets cool outside- I don’t want summer to think I’m rushing it away! We usually enjoy warm weather, or at least warm-ish, until the middle of October and while September is back to school and the leaves start to change, I usually end up vacillating back and forth until the 3rd weekend in September, when I break down and pull out my fall decor. (The third weekend is the actual start of fall according to the solstice.)

But no matter when you decide to officially transition over all your decor; you can start to sprinkle in decor of the coming season with a few simple “hints” of what is to come. Just like outside it is nicer when there are hints of the coming change rather than an abrupt out with the old and in with the new. 

Change Out your Door Hanging

I like to start with changing out the wreath on my front door because it is what people see first. Setting the tone upon entry to your house makes a good first impression and sets the expectation for what will follow on the inside. This doesn’t mean just for visitors either- you get to enjoy a lovely first impression of your house too! Its like your house is saying, “Welcome Home!”

Fall flowers

Maybe you decorate with fake flowers- maybe you decorate with real flowers- either way fall is a great time to grab a few mums for outside your door, or a bouquet of sunflowers to add some color inside!

White Pumpkins

White Pumpkin

I tend towards the traditional side of things when I’m decorating so I enjoy the classic fall colors; I like the reds, golds, oranges and creams rather than a muted palette of white, green and blushes which have become popular over the past few years. I think these new colors are lovely- they just aren’t quite what I love right now! But regardless of your specific color scheme I think white pumpkins scattered about your decor add the perfect “not too fall” fall touch to things.


Fruit Can be Decor!

Apples arranged in a tiered serving stand, Brussel sprouts and fall squash in a big  dough bowl or tray, the options and combinations are limitless when you start playing with decor that you can also eat!

Moss Balls, Pine cones and Acorns- Oh My!

If you have used some beautiful moss balls to add color to your decor don’t feel the need to take them down right away! Instead add the feel of fall but tucking a pine cone or two into your vinettes. Scattering a few acorns on a surface will also help add hints of a coming season change. 

Add a Throw

As the weather, for us in the north at least, starts to cool off and the days take longer to warm up it is time to pull out a few throws to warm up your decor. Adding a plaid throw will definitely speak of fall, but also try adding some striped throw, and keeping the texture more of a cotton or linen. This will keep your decor from looking too warm and wintry. 


One of my favorites! Who doesn’t love a cute fall pillow? If you’re hesitant to pull out the pumpkin and fall pillows then follow the same rule as you did for throws and either pick a plaid or a solid in a fall color; gold, orange, red, deep magenta or navy- any super saturated color will get the message across that we are no longer fully in summer anymore! 
Come join me on Instagram at @essentiallyemmamarie or share some photos by sending me an email at I look forward to hearing from you and in the meantime- happy fall y’all!

A Third Option

A Third Option

So often our decor is in need of a little “umpf”.  I mean, all the decor staples are great: moss balls, twine balls, books, vases, etc.,  but sometimes our decor needs some life to bring it to life, as it were.  It needs something real.  Something like flowers! ...

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My Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

My Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

In my opinion there is one dessert that is as perfect as perfect can be and that is a perfect chocolate chip cookie. It’s a versatile dessert that you can take to picnics, to parties, for a snack,  and even to serve after a dinner party. Chocolate Chip Cookies are all...

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A Lowdown on Sunscreen

The summer has slipped away and fall is creeping in on us. It is cooling off and while people like me are sorry to see the hot weather go, others of you may be finding yourself spending even more time outside in the sunshine! It's good for us to be outside when we...

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Transitional decor

Transitional decor

Are you a Clean Slater or a Transitioner? Let me explain; a Clean Slater is someone who keeps all their decor the same throughout the entire season. They put all their fall stuff up, they take it all down and put all their Christmas stuff up. A Transitioner is someone...

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Mid Summer Decor Refresh

We have reached the time of year when we can fall into a little decorating slump- at least I know that this is the case for me! It seems the summer has peaked, the 4th of July is over and before we know it school will be starting up again and all the summer fun that...

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Are You Staying On Top Of It?

Having a house is such a blessing- but it can also be a struggle! If staying on top of things is something you struggle with, enter your email and I will send you my in-depth cleaning breakdown- based on which personality category you fall into!

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