Essentially EmmaMarie

How to Create A Vignette for Any Room in Your Home

How to Create A Vignette for Any Room in Your Home

I haven’t talked about vignettes in a while—but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up using them! I talked about how to make a vignette in my post, Vignettes: Tell Me A Story, and that’s great for getting you started, but are you overlooking great places to use a vignette? Are there certain things cluttering up your area that could look cute and be functional by making them into a vignette? I bet there is! Here are a few ideas for how to create `a vignette in any room of your home to help elevate your everyday! 

A few reminders: 

When making a vignette, keep these few simple rules of thumb in mind:

·       Use an odd number of items;

·       Vary height;

·       Vary texture;

·       Use something with hard lines, something with soft lines, something with organic lines; and

·       Add one item that is a little bigger and more of a wow piece to anchor your vignette.


kitchen vignette

There are things just about all of us have in our kitchens—I am going to take a gamble that you have these things too: a paper towel holder, hand soap (and probably lotion too), dish soap, salt and pepper, and a trivet. You may have more items, perhaps you have a few less. Regardless, how do you have them displayed? Instead of having your soaps just sitting on the counter, you could arrange them on a pretty tray near the sink; your most used spices and kitchen gadgets can be gathered on a tray; you can hide unsightly necessities like twist ties, rubber bands and matches in a cute pitcher.

Here are a few more ideas of things to include in a kitchen vignette: 

·       An herb plant;

·       A bowl of fruit or veggies;

·       A wooden cutting board; 

·       Spices or tea in a unique jar or tin; and

·       Pour-over-coffee or French press coffee maker.


I always say everyone is blessed with at least one really good idea in their life. Here is mine: add a cloth napkin to where you keep your hand soap and lotion so that you can tidy up any water spots around the sink. This looks cute and keep your bathroom sink tidy too! 

For a bathroom vignette try adding: 

·       A candle;

·       A small plant; and 

·       A diffuser, if you have room.


We all have nightstands. How you style that nightstand can be a vignette as well! You can use a tray to coral everything, or if you are always overflowing with books that you will read next, you can use the books themselves as a vignette. 

I used to have a large picture on my nightstand, but then my stack of soon-to-be-read books got so high I couldn’t see the picture anymore! I decided to flip things and use my stack of books as I would use a picture to give my nightstand some height and interest, and let’s be honest—that stack of books is ever rotating and will never completely disappear! 

Some other ideas for nightstand vignettes:

·       A lamp;

·       A small box or dish to keep little necessities in; 

·       An alarm clock;

·       A picture; and

·       Flowers or a small plant.

Living Rooms

living room piano and chair

Anything and everything works great for a vignette in living rooms! If you have a coffee table, books are great—and typically the bigger the better for coffee table styling! There are many options for where to create a vignette in this room; you may have a TV on or above a console table; the console table is a great place for short, linear vignette styling—think of a small tray on a short stack of books and maybe just one tall vase off to the side with a few feathers, decorative twigs or greenery—dried or fresh! (Click here to see my post on How to use dried flowers in decor)

For these, keep the follow items in mind when creating a vignette:

·       A lamp;

·       Books; 

·       A large candle or lantern;

·       Something natural or quirky such as driftwood, or deer sheds (antlers);

·       A random but interesting antique item;

·       A family photo to add a personal touch; 

·       A vase with flowers—real, dried or faux; and

·       A box to keep odds and ends in or to hide the TV remote. (You might leave a sticky note so your husband can find the remote, unless that his punishment for skipping chores last weekend—up to you! 


Dining Room 

dining room candle centerpiece

The centerpiece is usually the vignette we think of when it comes to the dining room. I don’t know about you but I tend to find that making a centerpiece is one of the tougher vignettes that I create. My table is narrow so there isn’t a whole lot of room for a big centerpiece. My standby centerpiece is seven candlesticks displayed in a shallow wood box that acts as a platform. Then I switch out these items seasonally.

What are some of my favorite elements to incorporate into my centerpiece? 

·       Candles/candlesticks;

·       Dried flowers;

·       Twine balls;

·       Pinecones; and

·       Moss Balls

Seasonally I love to add:

·       Faux eggs at spring;

·       Dried flowers in summer;

·       Pumpkins in fall; and

·       Ornaments and evergreens for Christmas. 

I hope this helps inspire you to get vignette-ing! Vignettes are one of the easiest ways to add style and up-level your décor.  Happy decorating! 

P.S. Would you be willing to do me a favor? If you are enjoying these posts and can think of anyone else who might enjoy them too would you please share this post with them? If you like this post, they will too and sharing like this helps and encourages me so much! Thanks in advance! 

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