Essentially EmmaMarie

The Most Common Cleaning Mistakes I See Being Made Everyday

Having been in the house cleaning industry for a while now, I’m always surprised by some of the mistakes I see people making in their cleaning. What really surprises me is that it wasn’t oh so long ago that I was making these same mistakes! Luckily, I have learned and improved my cleaning and you can improve yours too! Here’s how: 

Cleaning In The Wrong Order

If you are doing a whole-house cleaning, the order in which you clean will affect the outcome of how your home looks when you are done. For instance, I see many people vacuum their floors just to go back through and, for example, clean their kitchen, knocking lots of crumbs on the floor they just vacuumed! Always start high and work your way down. Dust the high areas, moving to lower surfaces, wipe off counters, vacuum and then mop. If your baseboards are dirty, vacuum them, wipe them and then pull out your mop.

Missing Things

If I go into a home, I can usually tell what kind of a housekeeper they are by looking at the bottom of their toilet. Just about everyone will scrub their toilet bowl. A lot of people wipe down the outside of the toilet, but hardly ever do people wipe the very base of the toilet—the flat part that screws onto the floor. Make sure you hit that and you will be doing better than most! 

Cleaning With The Wrong Products 

Do you pay attention to the back label of your cleaning product that says what its uses are? A lot of people don’t. They think it won’t matter if you use something differently than what’s intended once or twice. Usually that’s right, but not always! Repeated use of an incorrect cleanser will break down the surface it’s being used on and lead to unalterable damage. What are a few of the common ones?

  • Windex on shower doors—don’t do it! Try distilled vinegar mixed 50/50 with water instead. 
  • Hard cleaners on granite. You need your cleanser to be gentle—and pH neutral. Try sticking with simple dish soap and water! 
  • Polish on surfaces that don’t need it. It is okay to occasionally wax or polish your real wood floors, but surfaces, like a dresser or china cabinet, don’t need to be polished regularly if you are not constantly using them to wear down the polish. Repeated waxing of a seldom-used surface, or using a real wood floor wax on faux wood floors will build up overtime leaving surfaces dull, and sticky in some instances. 

Lazy Vacuuming 

What is the number one thing people skip when they are vacuuming in a hurry? The edges. Especially on carpet. But the edges are where most of the dirt hangs out! For hard floors, vacuum the entire floor, then take your crevice tool around the edges. For carpet, get all the dirt out of the corners first by using the crevice tool then vacuum the main carpet area.

Skipping Dusting

It may be true that the dust doesn’t really accumulate (all that quickly) but it still will accumulate! This is especially true of furniture near a door that you use frequently and also if you have pets. You can get away with taking a quick pass with a Swiffer duster every other week or even monthly but if you try to stretch it out much longer than that, you are increasing the amount you will have to do later—and remember, if some surfaces get too dirty, they will never come as clean as you want them! 

I hope this helps! 

Disclaimer: All of these cleaning tips have come from my personal experience and that of the clients whom I serve. While the information here should be applicable and safe in most circumstances if you have any doubts be sure to check with the manufacturer for the product which you are cleaning and always test a cleaning product or procedure in an inconspicuous area first!


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Fall Decorating Trends 2022

Ready or not, here fall comes! I love summer so much but I have to say fall is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to decorating!  I’m not sure why—I guess in my mind the season conjures up pictures of cozy comfort, coupled with the fall scents, and adorable mini pumpkins that make a decorating season that can’t be beat! Here is a sneak peek at what is trending this fall. 

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How to Get More Out of Your Fall

How to Get More Out of Your Fall

“I love fall best of all,” and quotes like “I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers,” lastly from Anne of Green Gables permeate this time of year. I love the thought of fall; I love pulling out my cozy sweaters, I love the warm salted caramel hot chocolates, and chai tea lattes that become readily available this time of year. I love the thought of curling up in front of the fire with a cozy mystery that has just enough spookiness and suspense to it to make my spine tingle and make me jump at the climax….Unfortunately though, I live in Pennsylvania the weather this time of year can be undependable at best and miserable at its worse… So far this year we have plunged from 80 degree weather down to highs in the low 60s with no balmy 70 degree days to ease us out of one season and into the other… For this reason it is very easy to get grumpy with fall and blame it for the very long winter stretching ahead of us. In fact, it is so easy to get lost in our crankiness with this unpredictable season that we end up not taking advantage of some of the fun things there are to enjoy this time of year!

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Entertaining Items Everyone Needs 

Entertaining Items Everyone Needs 

We have been in that stage of life for a while now where there is a lot going on: bridal showers and weddings, baby showers and housewarmings, first birthdays and Christmas parties… Along the way there have been a lot of last minute texts asking who the friend is that has a galvanized bucket for drinks? Do you still have that ice bucket? Was it you who borrowed my big platter serving tray? Along the way I have accumulated a lot of entertaining necessities and while there is still an item or two that would be handy to have, I found myself saying to my friends and my mom that I think I have just about all of the necessities now—just as this phase of life may be winding down!

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Fall Decorating Ideas for 2022

Have you decorated for fall yet? It always amazes me the cascade of fall photos I see flooding my social media as soon as the calendar flips from August to September, especially since it’s not like the weather flips at the same time! Regardless, by the middle of...

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How to Save Money on Groceries

How to Save Money on Groceries

We are all talking about how much things (namely gas and food) have gone up and how much they are continuing to go up at the present moment. While there may be no end in sight to these increases, and while we may have no control over how much they go up, we have some control over how much food we buy, and there are some things we can do to help mitigate the rising costs of food.

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Ways to Use Your Outdoor Space More this Summer

Ways to Use Your Outdoor Space More this Summer

Summer is just around the corner! Actually, in Pennsylvania, we are hoping it is right around the corner. It has been a very chilly and rainy spring! Regardless of the weather we have been having, or perhaps because of it, I am in the mood to get flowers, spruce up our outdoor areas, and ready to start enjoying the fresh air—as soon as the weather cooperates! If it were feasible, I would live outside in the summer! We enjoy having campfires on the weekends and eating dinner on the front porch during the weekdays. There is a lot of life that can be lived outside in the summer but sometimes the outdoor areas need a little refresh, a few tweaks to make certain areas much more livable and enjoyable for dining and hosting outside. Today I thought it would be fun to share some ideas that I’ve seen/heard/done to inspire you to make the most of your outdoor areas this year.

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Plants that Even I have Kept Alive

Now I will be the first to admit that plants are not my forte… in fact I have killed quite a few over the years but unfortunately for the poor plants I have persisted and have now kept a number of plants alive, some even thriving! Through this process I have learned of a few plants that are easier to care for than others. The following are the plants that I like and have been able to keep alive- and the ones I really like in my decor!

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essentially emma marie

Are You Staying On Top Of It?

Having a house is such a blessing- but it can also be a struggle! If staying on top of things is something you struggle with, enter your email and I will send you my in-depth cleaning breakdown- based on which personality category you fall into!

Your In-Depth Cleaning Breakdown will be delivered soon