His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations  3:22b-23 ESV

It had been one of those Saturdays. The kind that you look forward to all week only for it to arrive in a flurry of activity which leaves you finishing up odds and ends late into the evening when you wanted to be reading your book in bed. At least that’s what I would have rather been doing Saturday night rather than folding laundry. I ended up crawling into bed later than I wanted, feeling depleted rather than filled, and stressed about the few last things I hadn’t been able to cram into my day. I made the last minute decision though to get up a little early the next morning and squeeze in a hike with my dog before church.  

My alarm went off the next morning and I thought about hitting snooze but I could already see the bright sunlight of a gorgeous day just beginning streaming through the window. I got up, pulled on my hiking clothes, and made a cup of coffee before hitting the trail. 

The August weather was already warm and a little steamy as I pulled into the trailhead with my dog at 7:00am, but still comfortably so. We started hiking. The path was empty and the woods still, except for the songs of the birds above our heads. The foliage was lush and green with the dew still dripping lightly from the leaves. The sun was peeking through the branches overhead and the water droplets, falling from the trees, sparkled as they fell to the ground. The earth smelled fresh and clean and, as we walked along, I felt myself renewing as well. 

It’s so easy after a long day to start fussing and despairing over all the leftover chores that still need to be done. However, just as the earth emerges in the morning; shining and refreshed, having been washed clean the previous evening’s dew; so I find it with my spirit. I find myself refreshed, renewed, calmer. I think this is why in His word God reminds us that His mercies are new every morning. Nothing lasts forever, though there may be long seasons of darkness, many of our everyday concerns will diminish overnight reminding us that there is always grace for a new day.

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