And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19 ESV

Enough. We just came through a year in which I felt there was never enough. I operated most of my days in a panicked rush, hurrying to do, get and be enough. There was seemingly never enough time. Not enough money. Not enough sleep. Not enough time spent with friends and family. Never enough. I didn’t set out to live this way intentionally but by default it happened. There is always a default that takes over when we are not intentional. So I lived in lack, a self fulfilling mindset that there wasn’t enough of anything, so of course there wasn’t.

The funny thing is that when I got to the end of the year and looked back I realized that there had always  been enough. Just enough sometimes, but enough nonetheless. Just enough time to force me to prioritize what really mattered. Enough money to cover the unexpected expense. There was still precious time spent making memories with family. There was enough. 

After looking over my previous year I made a conscious decision. I would not live at that frenetic pace, in that scarcity mindset this year. I would choose to believe that there is enough. That’s what God promises too. 

He doesn’t promise that there will always be plenty. He promises that there will be enough, that He will supply our needs. Because He is enough. There is an old Hymn that we always sang in the Church I grew up in called, “My God is Enough.” The song goes on to say about how He’s never been known to fail, that His powers still prevail. I choose to believe that. I choose to believe that even if there isn’t enough of something that everything will be ok because He is still in control and what more do I possibly need than the Creator of the whole world telling me that it will all be ok, that He is enough.