Happy New Year! Take a look at this disclosure:


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A fresh new year has begun! I love the newness that comes with the changing of the calendar. A new year is a chance for a clean slate and to switch up things, to evaluate what is or isn’t working well and to make plans to do differently in the upcoming year. As I look back over my list of books I read in 2020 there are several that stand out as good companions that will help you on your way when you get the urge to change things up! These books will help motivate you to change, help you to put practices into place to build new habits, help you dig to the root of what you should be doing with your life and why, and ultimately help you to build the life you want! I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!

Essentialism- by Greg McKeown

This book is all about getting to the core of what is most important to you, what are the things you were put on earth to do? What helps to further your goals and what distracts your from them? It may seem like a harmless meeting to have, it is a good cause to lead, but what is it really costing you? Is that project that you’re head of a good thing but not nearly as important as spending time with your kids? Is that side line of work a good revenue maker but ultimately detracting from your major life mission? It’s time to dig deep and get strategic!

Better than Before, by Gretchen Reuben

Ms Reuben really breaks down all the things habit related; why habit matters, how habits are formed, and how to most easily and effectively implement new habits into your life. Habits are what we do without thinking about it. They take away the need to make decisions and free up mental space to allow for us to concentrate our efforts on what matters most to us. If you have had trouble developing new habits in the past give this book a try!

The Compound Effect- by Darren Hardy

This book is great because it stresses the fact that it’s not necessarily the big things in life that make the biggest change in our lives but rather the small things. The little minute changes that you make day after day, that compound on top of each other and add up a big difference over a year or more. A lot of books on creating new habits can be overwhelming, but since this book stresses the importance of small wins you can come away feeling encouraged by a small change that you made!

Off the Clock- by Laura Vanderkam

Feel like there’s never enough time? Want to get more enjoyment out of the things in life that you do have time for? Ms Vanderkam discusses how its not always about the amount of time that we do have but rather is about how we approach it. As a time management expert, Ms Vanderkam also discusses how to prioritize to ensure that you are making time for what matters most to you, so you can spend time on that- and not things that don’t matter to you. I do a pretty good job of squeezing every precious minute out of my day and still there were tips in here that I hadn’t thought of!

The Next Right Thing- by Emily P Freeman

Do you suffer from decision fatigue? Do you ever feel paralyzed by the consequences on decisions could bring? You are not the only one! Whether it’s the dollar menu or a major life change sometimes it’s nearly impossible to decide… and what if we choose the wrong option? Ms Freeman talks about how it’s not always important to know what the next 5 steps will be, a lot of the time it’s just about the next right step. We wear ourselves out making every decision feel like the end all be all but it rarely is.

See other discussion about Books here on Essentially EmmaMarie
