This is the day that the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Psalm 118:24 NASB


It is early summer, a season of new beginnings and new endings. A season of goodbyes, and a season of new opportunities. For the graduating: this is a new season, this may be your first last time that you have experienced in a big way in your life- congratulations! Enjoy. For those who have long since graduated; remember the excitement you felt as you embarked on a new venture of your own choosing, for the first time? 


Enjoy everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or lastime: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory. – A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. 


This is a new season, and whether you are graduating from high school, college, or have been graduated for so many years that you’ve lost count, I pray you gain back some of the wonder you had when you first graduated. I pray this is a season of refreshment, of new discoveries, of feeling hope and joyful ambition as you embark upon or continue in the work He has called you to do. 


May you have joyful ambition even if it is yet another season much like the last for you. In the mundane, monotonous everyday tasks, I pray for rest for your soul, and joy in the everyday little miracles; a sunrise, a rainbow, sunlight illuminating a field at the day’s end- little showers of grace, every one. 


If you are moving on from something big this year, I pray you charge towards your target filled with the naivete of one who doesn’t know how big life’s obstacles can be. I pray you are shining light in your new endeavors, I pray when you are halfway through,and feel as though you want to give up, that you remember the joy of starting this grand new thing in your life, and keep going. 


For those who are just happy to see sunny days and are not expecting much out of this summer season, I pray that whatever your hand finds to do, you will do it with all your heart. I pray that you remember that His mercies are new every morning. I pray He will refresh and revitalize you, and I pray that you will remember that this life was exciting once, and it can be again! He has made each of us a special job to do and that may we find fulfillment in that calling! 


I pray we can try to look at the world again through the eyes of the graduate, excited for what lies ahead, excited to see what life has in store, and expecting more good than bad from this life. 


Dear graduates, old and new,  when life knocks you down, I pray you remember the One who can help you stand back up. I pray you remember that life is made of seasons. I pray you remember that when life knocks you down, knocks you off course, or doesn’t turn out the way you wish it had, that we serve a Redeemer who can set the captive free, restore life to the dead, and make our paths straight. I pray that in the seasons when life is going so well, that you choose joy, and revel in His goodness, and live wide open to all the blessings be showered down upon you. 


We serve a risen Savior, one of love and peace, I pray we remember to live in His peace, this day, and all the days moving forward. Amen.


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