“Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

Luke 24:39

It is the day after Halloween, you thought you were done hearing about ghosts and all manner of spookiness until next year didn’t you? Well not quite. Halloween in our current culture has become a rather macabre, month long celebration of all things evil- ghosts, demons, zombies, and witches, etc… I’m not against the dressing up and trick or treating for kids, but I think as Christians we tend to pay little attention to how we participate in a day that is dedicated to demonic activity. November first used to be All Saints Day, a day to remember and honor the saints. It was believed that on  the night before this day, the lines between the living and dead became blurred and the dead and ghosts could roam about, so people would dress up in costumes to trick anything they may be looking for them. Halloween started thus and has continued to gradually gravitate toward the occult over the years. 

Regardless of where you stand on Halloween, or how much thought you give, or don’t give to the rather evil roots of the day there is another spooky subject that I would like to pose for food for thought- what about the ghosts and demons? 

I have been in church all my life and have never heard a sermon that took a deep look into the demonic world and how it does, or doesn’t interact with our lives. We read in the Bible that there were many instances of demonic activity, of demons interacting with and causing interference on earth but as a church today we tend to brush off any thoughts of a dark spiritual world interacting with our day to day lives, beyond the point of the devil planting seeds of doubt in our minds. 

And then there are ghosts. I should make the distinction that when I speak of demons I mean fallen angels and beings that are their own, and who currently reside in Hell, unless of course they are allowed to wander the earth and interact with us more than we realize. When I speak of Ghosts I mean people who have died, reappearing here on earth. Let me be clear- I believe absent from the body present with the Lord; but what about unbelievers? Yes they go to hell, but are they there now? Or will it be after the resurrection? Or are they allowed out, on special assignment as it were? 

We know in the Old Testament Saul visited a medium and called Samuel down from heaven to give him a prophetic word. Samuel was not happy to have been disturbed. Also in the New Testament Jesus appears to the disciples and they are scared thinking he was a ghost. And what does Jesus say? Does he say silly disciples, ghosts aren’t real? No, He doesn’t. He says, touch me, feel me; ghosts don’t have flesh and bones. 

In our science based world where things are only believed if they can be tested and reproduced on demand we don’t allow much room for the spiritual realm. The Bible clearly does. We like to think of Angels so why don’t we allow for demons? I bet we all have at least one acquaintance that could tell us a “weird” story that can’t be explained away, something whether good or bad that seems to go against our tidy scientific resolutions. What if instead of ignoring this side of reality we used it as a way to strengthen our belief that while there are many forces at play in both the seen and unseen world, our God is still supreme, and greater than all the rest combined?




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