We are nearing the end of January and that is usually when all these big dreams that we had a few weeks ago stop feeling exciting and instead just feel hard. We want them but sometimes the path there just seems so long and hard. If this is you and you are needing a little boost to keep plodding along towards your goals for this year then check out the book, Find Your Extraordinary by Jessica Herrin.

Ms Herrin is the CEO and founder of the Stella and Dot Family Brands. Before building that company she built Della and James which you may know by its current name, WeddigngCahnnel.com. So she knows a thing or 2 about knowing what you want and going for it- and achieving your dreams in the process!

One of the things that I appreciated about this book is that Ms Herrin clarifies from the beginning that success equals happiness. Not money. Not fame- happiness. She then takes you through her story, guiding you in what steps to take if you would like to find your own extraordinary life.

She talks about how to start believing in yourself beyond what you have reason too- you can’t think that you aren’t someone who can do the hard thing simply because you haven’t done it yet! You have to believe that you really can. Be afraid, then get over it. Be ok with going after your dreams alone, others may not get it, but if you know that is what you really want- go for it!


Then Ms Herrin discusses what she calls, “The Six P’s of the Entrepreneurial Spirit. First you have to find your passion. That’s fun but then you have to choose the Path of least regret and you may have to sacrifice things you enjoy but remember you’ll be doing the things that awakes the passion within you. Third, she talks about the power of a positive mind. This isn’t just about believing it will be ok but instead about how to work through difficult thoughts and doubts that are real and could happen. 4th, she talks about the people in your life, are you surrounding yourself with people who help you to grow? What about the people who are holding you back? She then talks about perseverance, she shares times in her life when the going got tough and she had to stick with it. The last P is Productivity and she discusses how to prioritize. There are always going to be tons of things to do- but what absolutely, positively has to get done, and what would just be nice if it was accomplished? She closes talking about the power of gratitude and finding the people who will come around and support you.

Even if your dreams are not of the entrepreneurial type, there is still a lot you could glean from this book. This isn’t a book about building a business, but rather about building a life. And not just any old life, but one in which you find true success through happiness- a life in which you find your extraordinary.

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