So often our decor is in need of a little “umpf”.  I mean, all the decor staples are great: moss balls, twine balls, books, vases, etc.,  but sometimes our decor needs some life to bring it to life, as it were.  It needs something real.  Something like flowers!  Flowers help to add color, bring life so our decor doesn’t look so staid, and add interest by filling out vases we may be using in our decor.  But, there’s a dilemma—do we use fresh or fake?! 

Fake Flowers

Fake flowers (or faux flowers if we want to sound fancy and up a scale) are nice because there are some gorgeous, very realistic ones on the market.  The downside is that nice faux flowers can be quite pricey and if you aren’t sure they are something you want to use for years it might be better not to splurge on them.  On the other hand, fresh flowers can be found quite affordably, they last for a while, and can even lend a pleasant aroma to the room.  The downside is they don’t last forever and, therefore, every 7-10 days will require switching out.  For me this can become a bit of a chore and, quite frankly, I don’t want to have to do that much upkeep all the time. 

Third option

There is, however, a third option that I do not hear talked about nearly enough—dried flowers! Dried or preserved flowers are a great way to, ironically enough, add life to your decor.  Since they have been preserved, you can typically count on them lasting you 1-3 years so you don’t have to worry about looking over, 15 minutes before guests arrive for that dinner party, and realize that you have a vase full of dead, drooping flowers!  And, you won’t have to have that conversation with yourself of whether your fake flowers look fake. 

Preserved Flowers

Dried Flower Display

Another reason to love preserved flowers—they are so versatile.  A bunch of dried lavender lends itself well to a midcentury modern feel.  Some dried flowers in a milk pitcher affects a country farmhouse air.  Add any colorful dried flower and watch your bohemian/eclectic decor crackle and pop with life!

There are many different ways to incorporate dried flowers and the other nice thing about them is that no two are exactly alike!  Since these are real flowers, grown, cut and dried, they include all the abnormalities and inconsistencies found in nature, which to my mind, makes them even better! 

I have talked about using preserved flowers in vases, but get creative!  I have an old window that has dried flowers preserved inside.  You could also scatter a few blooms on a tray containing a vignette.  (Unless you have cats—in that case skip this unless you want to have dried petals floating throughout your house.  Not that I would know from personal experience. . . .)  The point is that the possibilities are endless!  What a fun, but uncommon element to add to your decor. 

Where to find these flowers that will transform your decor?  I found mine at a local specialty store called, “Roxanne’s Dried Flowers;” so do a little research, see if you have a store near you, and make a little field trip out of visiting it!  If all else fails, like everything these days, there are a lot of options online, and on Etsy too. 

essentially emma marie

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