If you are anything like me, or most of America, there is just never enough time. Not only is there not enough time to do everything we want to do, but sometimes there isn’t even enough time to enjoy what we do have time to do. We rush from one thing to the next, feeling guilty for not doing the other thing- any other thing! And then on the rare occasion when we finally stay home to rest because we feel burnt out, we don’t truly let ourselves relax because we are so focused on what we are missing. All this, day after day, leaves us with less and less energy, and to do lists that are still too long.

This is not a new problem in our culture, and it is not one that will disappear anytime soon. But what if there was a way to truly savor the time we do have? What if we could stretch out time to make it feel like we have all the time in the world- time enough to enjoy what is most important to us? 

This is the topic that Laura Vanderkam’s book, Off the Clock, covers. Click here for your copy, https://amzn.to/3avfUw2. In this book, Ms Vanderkam covers in depth not only how to carve out time for hobbies and activities that are important to us, even in the most hectic schedules, but also how to enjoy the time we take on these activities to the fullest. She also shows that how by really immersing ourselves in these activities time can seem to lengthen and stretching turning tiny blocks into mini vacations! Then when we go back to work our or our todo list we do so refreshed and more effective! 

After reading her book at the beginning of the year, my husband and I sat down and made a list of some of our favorite time-stretching outings that we enjoy doing together. With summer now upon us and wanting to drink up every drop of the nice weather that we waited so long for, here in Western Pennsylvania at least, we then revised the list into some of our favorite little dates that are especially enjoyable to do in the outdoors. By taking a couple hours out each weekend we have been able to make our weekends feel so much more like a vacation and I find that doing one of the following activities at the beginning of the weekend really helps to break the tension from the week and spring me into relaxation mode! 


We are beyond blessed to live in a rural area where we can walk out our front door and enjoy a pleasant walk on a one lane road. However if we would like a more rigorous workout we have 2 state parks within a 10 minute drive that we can go to for some real hiking. Some of our best conversations happen while we are hiking. There’s something about being surrounded by nature that makes for great, rambling and unhurried conversation. Even if you don’t live in a rural area, what about strolling down the hip new part of town where all the cool shops are? Also most cities have trials for biking and walking now too! 

Having a Campfire

I know this isn’t feasible everywhere, but if possible it is more than worth the effort it takes!  Much like hiking, being outside in the evening around a fire has a way a stretching out time, making an evening that might otherwise slip into monotony be just a little bit more memorable. If you can’t have a campfire, what about watching the sunset? This is another way to pause and drink in a few minutes of relaxation. 

Yard Saling 

Getting moving bright and early on a weekend is my idea of a good time; for my husband- not so much! But we both agree that the experience is worth it! We rarely buy much during these outings but we love seeing other people’s past treasures. It makes you really think about the passage of time and how transient this life is. And it is a great way to keep an eye out for items to fluff up your decor! One of our favorite days last year we stopped by a local coffee shop, got our coffee to go, and then walked around a section of town that was having a group yard sale. We found a few things we loved and then hit a place from brunch before heading home. I think we were home by 11 with most of the day left to enjoy and do any earth shattering chores. We spent under $30 for everything we did that day, and it was one of the most special days I can remember from last year. 

Coffee Dates

I briefly mentioned it above but finding an adorable little coffee shop with their own specialty drinks is one of our favorite date go-tos! Many of them have outdoor seating and I love starting the day off early with something fun, and then being able to get my work done the rest of the day. My husband loves his coffee and its such a fun way to ease into the day!


Last but not least there are picnics, and these can be done so many different ways! From picnicking in the living room, to at a state park, or from a bench overlooking a river, each location carries a charm all its own. I love to bring fresh veggies, crackers, bread, cheese and some fruit and let everyone put together their own flavor combinations. Sometimes it’s just the act of switching up the everyday routine that can help flip the switch from dull everyday status to vacation mode!

I hope those ideas helped to inspire you to enjoy your time a little more! If you want to dive deeper into the topic of enjoying time be sure to check our Ms Vanderkam’s book; Off the Clock, and in the meantime what are some of your favorite ways to stretch out time? I’d love to hear from you!

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Here’s a great link for you to pick up your copy of the book at no extra cost to you by visiting Amazon through Essentially EmmaMarie. Here’s Laura Vanderkam’s book, Off the Clock https://amzn.to/3avfUw2. Thank you!