In my first career, or as I say- in my first life, I was an esthetician and cosmetologist. I absolutely loved practicing skincare! Helping people with their skincare concerns and providing relaxation was so rewarding. I loved being peppered with questions from my clients. Before too long though, a recurring theme emerged. Clients would ask; “If I do one thing for my skin, what should it be?” Or, “Where should I start??”

There are a lot of factors that play into good skin, and there’s so much out there telling you to do this or that, so much information about a myriad of products out there,  but when you boil it all down there are several basics that can make a significant difference to your skin. 

Establish a Routine

I had so many clients tell me that they started using a new product, but only used it for a week. They would say they were washing their face twice a day but were breaking out so they stopped after 4 days. Your skin needs a routine. Our bodies regulate our oil production, at least to a certain extent, based off how much oil is being stripped from them each day. If you wash your face twice a day 3 days, then none, then 3 times on another day your skin is not going to know what is going on. It’s ok if not everyday is exactly the same, this is life after all, but being consistent most days will help tremendously to regulate your skin. I recommend washing your face in the morning and evening. If you can only do one of these then I recommend washing your face in the evening to remove all the dirt from the day. Just like your teeth, leaving your face uncleaned in the evening gives the grime a chance to settle in and do more damage over time. 

Use SPF!

Please, please use sun protection. Whether in your makeup, or as a stand alone product it is essential that you protect your skin. Even if you’re someone who doesn’t spend a lot of time outdoors, all the moments walking from your house to your car, to the office, and store, all add up over a lifetime. In addition if you have children please make sure you are using a SPF for them as well. I heard a statistic once that stated that out of all the harmful UV rays we will ever absorb, two thirds are absorbed before we turn 18! Yikes!!

Drink Water

I know we hear this everywhere but it really is true that our bodies need water, and usually more than we give them on a daily basis. Just like every other organ in your body your skin needs water to keep it functioning at its best, to filter toxins, and keep it plump and healthy!

Double Cleanse Your Skin

Not everyone is familiar with a double cleanse but it was a game changer for me! Most of us use one cleanser that may or may not target a specific problem. But say you are using a cleanser that is supposed to help target signs of aging as well as clean your skin- how effective do you think it can be when it has to first cut through all the makeup, sweat, and other grime on your face? That’s where the double cleanse comes in! 

When doing a double cleanse the first cleanser, often called a precleanse, is usually a gentle, non drying, and often oil based cleanser to first remove all the heavy dirt from our skin. Using the correct precleanser will not dry out your skin. Once you have used the precleanse, follow with your targeted cleanser and proceed with washing your face. By doing this you are allowing your targeted cleanser to work at its full strength, and therefore better treat your skin. Makes sense right? 

Use a Moisturizer

Use a Moisturizer- even if you have oily skin! First: oil and moisture are two different things! Oil is produced by your pores, water is absorbed by your cells. You may need a moisturizer called a hydrator if your skin is deprived of water and needs a boost. If you have oily skin and are using an aggressive cleanser to clear the oil out of your pores your skin can then feel dry and signal to your sebaceous glands that you need more oil produced. By using the correct moisturizer you can then replenish the clean pores with the appropriate amount of moisture and therefore hopefully avoid kicking your glands into oil overdrive! By applying a moisturizer that is right for your skin, you help give your skin moisture it needs- keeping it plump and healthy! Not all moisturizers are created equal so it is important to find one suited for your skin; use a lightweight one if your skin is oily to still give it a chance to breathe, or slightly heavier one if your skin is on the dryer side. Look for a moisturizer that is non-comedogenic, that has been formulated not to clog pores. 

Change Your Skincare Seasonally

Just like changing our wardrobes according to the season so our skincare should change slightly season to season, and that goes for certain cosmetics; such as foundation and blush too. Most of us will need a lighter weight moisturizer in the summer, when it is warmer and we are more likely to perspire, than we do in the winter when the air is so very dry. I usually go for a slightly stronger cleanser in summer as well. 


Exfoliation is something that people tend to either do way too much of, or none at all! Just like the double cleanse, exfoliation helps to remove the top layer of dead skin, as well as doing a deep clean on our pores. Also as we age our natural skin turnover starts to slow down making exfoliation even more critical. There are many types of exfoliants out there and I will do a future post for the different types, but regardless please do your research or talk to a professional to find the right type for your skin! 

How often should one exfoliate? That depends on the individual, age, and type of exfoliation being used. I would say once a week for anyone around the ages of 14-18, 18-late 30s I would say around 3 times a week, and 40s and up I generally recommend 3-5 times a week. Again those numbers depend on many different factors so please do your own research and talk with a professional. If you see any signs of your skin drying out or starting to peel, decrease the frequency, and if necessary downgrade the strength of the exfoliator as well. 

Stick With It!

Last but not least whatever routine you decide to establish- stick with it! It usually takes your skin 3 weeks to a month to regulate to a new pattern. This doesn’t mean if you get a few breakouts in the first 2 weeks that your product or routine isn’t working. Oftentimes breakout will occur as the buried dirt is brought to the surface. Habits take time to develop and by sticking to a routine for a month you are truly giving your skin the fair chance it deserves! Of course if you experience anything truly uncomfortable like a rash, flaking peeling, or extreme redness discontinue use of any new product right away and consider seeing a physician. But if you are experiencing relatively minor changes in your skin then persist and give your skin time to adjust and improve!

I hope this helps give you a jumping off point for your skincare! In the meantime I’d love to hear from you- what has worked, or not worked for your skin? What questions do you have? What are your current skincare struggles? Let me know and if I can I’d love to help!

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