For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good work, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

Ephesians 2:10

This year has not started off quite like I wanted. Then again it might be more accurate to say that 2022 didn’t end like I wanted it also. It really was not in the plans, as far as I was concerned, for my husband and I to get the flu right before Christmas and be sick over Christmas day. It was really not my plan for my 7-month-old to get sick with the flu just as my husband and I started to recover, to then have a sick, fussy baby to worry about when I wanted to get a few projects crossed off my to-do list and play with my happy, smiley baby—not anxiously be holding my baby as I watched his fever climb higher and higher despite the Tylenol we had given him. But such is life sometimes….

Sometimes we have weeks like this, sometimes we have days, and sometimes we have years like this. This past year did not go as I had planned for it to either. In some regards it did; we had a healthy baby in May as was the plan. Other things though, did not go as I wanted it to and it messed up the plans I had for us. 

I don’t know about you but when I came up with the game plan for my life, it was a pretty straight line going up without a bunch of ups and down, certainly no loops where we find ourselves back at the beginning. I remember being very little, I was still in daycare, and someone brought in Monopoly… several of the “older” kids teamed up with us younger ones and basically played the game for us. I really had no clue what the game was about, I just knew that if everyone else wanted to play it—I did too. So I sat at the table while one of the older kids moved my piece.  At one point she turned to me and told me I had landed in jail. I had no idea that jail was part of the bargain of this game and I remember thinking what that cold jail cell would be like, when would the police come to get me, and would my mom be coming too or would I have to be alone. Thankfully I did not have long to ponder these thoughts as it was our turn again and I was able to get out of jail. What a lucky break! I got up from that table and have not cared for Monopoly since getting that fright of my little life! Since then I have done my utmost to stay out of jail! 

Staying out of jail in Monopoly is pretty easy—just don’t play it! I like cause and effect, if you do X then Y happens. What I’m not a big fan of is the unpredictable. Which is exactly how life operates! 

Life is a lot like Monopoly in some ways—we go in circles slowly making progress rather than just in one straight line. As we make our way through the circuitous journey, it is full of ‘go back to start’ and seemingly pointless loops, making slow progress toward our end.  Life really isn’t about the destination—death is the final destination every single one of us will reach.


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